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Spatial measurement

This step uses archival images, videos and testimonies to measure architectures participation during events pertaining human rights violation. Here two events that occurred within a 2km radius from the site are studied namely the 2016/7 #FeesMustFall student movement at the University of Witwatersrand and The Red ants Eviction in downtown Johannesburg where approximately 300 residence who resided in a "hijacked building" were forcibly evicted. 


Elements that were identified to have played a particular role enabling these events to occur, such as the staircases at Fatti's Mansions which permitted circulation to the different levels of the apartment building, and the windows at WITS Great Hall, which were shattered by students during the protest.

The algorithm was designed to use form and sound to create distortions. Therefore the identified elements gave the base perimeters for the algorithm. Where the densities of the materials were used to assign a numerical representation on the algorithm and the geometry provided the basic form. 




Algorithmic response

Mnemonic Devices by Nothando Lunga

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