Mapping sounds of protest and movements
Mapping to protests and movements around the world
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Prominent Human rights protests around the world in the past decade
2010/11 Arab Spring, Libia, Egypt, Bahrain
A series of the pro-democracy uprising that began in 2010 in Tunisia and spread throughout the largely Muslim countries.
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2015/6 #FeesMustFall student movement, South Africa
Starting in October 2015, South African public universities experienced a wave of student protests initially over proposed fee increases for the 2016 academic year
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2019 Sudanese revolution, Sudan
Female-led protest against longtime dictator President Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum
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2020 Human rights protest, Zimbabwe
Tensions are rising in Zimbabwe as the economy implodes. Inflation is more than 700%, the second-highest in the world.
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2017 Anti-government protests, Iran
the failure of President Hassan Rouhani's government to revive Iran's struggling economy, address high unemployment and inflation, and combat alleged corruption
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2018 March for an end in violence, Afghanistan
Men marched hundreds of miles to demand an end to decades of conflict, from Helmand province to Kabul, and abstained from food and water during daylight hours as it was the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
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2019 Extinction Rebellion movement, Australia
Protest against climate change.
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North and South America
2016 Not one woman less,Argentina
protest against violence against women in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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2017 The women's march in Washington, United States of America
more than 470,000 people marched on Washington, D.C., in support of women's rights, and in opposition to misogynistic statements and behavior from Trump
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2020 The George Floyd protest, United States of America
after the killing of George Floyd — an African American man who asphyxiated when now-former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin pinned him down with a knee on his neck for more than 8 minutes.
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2011 Rome demonstrations, Italy
Roughly 200 000 protesters gathered in Rome to demonstrate against economic inequality and the influence of the Europen Commission, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the government of Silvio Berlusconi.
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2014 LGBTQ rights protest, Russia
The protests sought to draw the sponsors of the Winter Olympic's attention to speak over Russia's controversial laws on homosexuality.
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